By choice or by necessity, some people must turn the page and begin a new chapter in their lives. It’s a step filled with hope but fraught with fear because starting anew doesn’t mean you want to lose connection to what matters most, whether it’s the children you love, the lifestyle you’ve grown accustom to or the property you’ve earned through years of hard work and support of a former spouse.
At the Legal Advocate Group P.A., we’ve helped people take on these challenges as one of Tampa’s leading family law and divorce law agencies. For years, we’ve guided clients through the complications of divorce, child custody, parenting time, equal distribution of property and alimony.
We possess a complete understanding of Florida family law and the changes that may come. We’re keeping track of the state lawmakers who want to implement new laws that could make it more difficult for some spouses to collect alimony and gain full custody of their children. Family law is a living, breathing document and you need an advocate who pays close attention to the changes and potential developments.
At the same time, you need an advocate who is fully aware of the emotion and stress that comes with navigating the legal system. We know to succeed in this arena, you need someone who can deliver expertise and empathy.
As your attorney, we will be with you through the entire process, ready to grant time, patience and attention. You need an advocate who knows your rights as a spouse and a parent.
If you’re ready to embark on a new journey that will eventually lead to a place of calm and confidence, let us lend you the expertise, attention and care you rightfully deserve. With our assistance, the new chapter in your life can lead to a happy ending.
Contact the Tampa family lawyers at LAG today by calling (813) 250-3500.
We’re ready to help.
Our Tampa family lawyers have experience in all aspects of Family Law including:
- Contested Dissolution of Marriage (Divorce)
- Uncontested Dissolution of Marriage (Divorce)
- Family Law Mediation
- Paternity Actions
- Child Support
- Spousal Support (Alimony)
- Parenting Plans (Custody, Visitation and Time Sharing)
- Equitable Distribution of Property
- Domestic Violence Injunctions
- Post Judgment Modifications
- Relocation Issues
- Contempt Issues
- Military Divorce
- Attorney’s Fees